Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blogger Buzz: Fresh new perspectives for your blog

Blogger Buzz: Fresh new perspectives for your blog

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


There are (12106) Pharmaceutical Companies all over the world details are mentioned under: 

Africa (469)  Aisa (3571)  Europe (5325)  North & Middle America (1360)  South America (712)  Middle East (608)  Oceania (61)


This is also to inform the peoples who are interested to know about Medicines (Drugs) categorically. There are a few categories of drugs, the are mentioned as:
  1. Endocrine System Drugs are (3827)
  2. Muscles,Bones & Joint Drugs are (6052)
  3. Brain & Nervous System Drugs are (9033)
  4. Cardiovascular System Drugs are (10288)
  5. Gastrointestinal Tract & Metabolism Drugs are (13154)
  6. Infections & Infestinatios Drugs are (6907)
  7. Maligant & Immune Disease Drugs are (3756)
  8. Reproductive System Drugs are (4367)
  9. Respiratory System Drugs are (3931)
  10. Skin or Dermatologicals Drugs are (3504)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Aclarubicin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Actinomycin D; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Actinomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Alamethicin Trichoderma viride; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Amikacin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Amikacin (IV) Group: Aminoglycosides

Amoxicillin (PO) Group: Penicillins

Amoxicillin/Clavulanate (PO) Group: Penicillins

Amoxicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Amphotericin B (IV) Group: Polyene Antifungals

Amphotericin B; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Ampicillin (IV/PO) Group: Penicillins

Ampicillin/Sulbactam (IV) Group: Penicillins

Ampicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Anisomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Antimycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Antipain; Inhibits an enzyme

Aphidicolin Nigrospora; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Apramycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ascomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Azaserine; Inhibits an enzyme

Aziocillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Azithromycin (IV/PO) Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Azithromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Azole Antifungals

Aztreonam (IV) Group: Monobactams

Bacampicillin (PO) Group: Penicillins

Bacitracin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Bafilomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Bafilomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Blasticidine Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Bleomycin sulfate; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Brefeldin A Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Butirosin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Calcimycin A23187; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Camptothecin; Inhibits an enzyme

Camptothecin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Capreomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Carbenicillin (PO) Group: Penicillins

Carbenicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Caspofungin (IV) Group: Echinocandin (Glucan Synthesis Inhibitor) Antifungal

Cefaclor (PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefaclor; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefadroxil (PO) Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cefamandole (IV) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefamandole; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefasulodin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefazolin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefdinir (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefditoren (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefeprime (IV) Group: 4th Generation Cephalosporins

Cefixime (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefmetazole; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefonicid Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefoperazone (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefoperazone; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefotaxime (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefotaxime; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefotetan (IV) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefoxitin (IV) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefpodoxime (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefprozil (PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftazidime (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftibuten (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftizoxime (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftriaxone (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefuroxime (IV/PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cephalexin (PO) Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephalexin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephalosporin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephalothin Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephalothin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephapirin Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephapirin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephradine Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephradine; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cerulenin; Inhibits an enzyme

Chloramphenicol (IV/PO) Group: Chloramphenicol

Chloramphenicol Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Chlorhexidine; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Chloroquine; Inhibits an enzyme

Chlortetracycline hydrochloride Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Chromomycin A3; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ciclopirox Group: Antifungal

Cinoxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Cinoxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ciprofloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Ciprofloxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Ciprofloxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Cis-Diammineplatinum; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Clarithromycin (PO) Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Clindamycin (IV/PO) Group: Lincosamides

Clindamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Clotrimazole Group: Azole Antifungals

Clotrimazole Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Clotrimazole; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Cloxacillin Group: Penicillins

Cloxacillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Colistin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Concanamycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Cordycepin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Corycepin BioChemika; Inhibits an enzyme

Coumermycin A1; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Coumerycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Cycloheximide Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Cyclosporine; Inhibits an enzyme

Cytochalacin ; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Dacarbazine ; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Daunoribicin HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

D-Cycloserine; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Defaxolin (IV) Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Deftraxone; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Demeclocycline Group: Tetracyclines

Demeclocycline HCL Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Dibekacin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Dicloxacillin Group: Penicillins

Dicloxacillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Dihydrostreptomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Dirithromycin Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Distamycin A HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

DL-Penicillamine; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Doxorubicin HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Doxycycline (IV/PO) Group: Tetracyclines

Doxycycline Interferes with Protein Synthesis

D-Penicillamine; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Duramycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Echinomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Econazole Nitrate Salt; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Econazole nitrate; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Econazole; Inhibits an enzyme

Emetine Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Enrofloxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Enrofloxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ertapenem (IV/IM) Group: Carbapenems

Erythromycin (IV/PO) Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Erythromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Erythromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ethambutol dihydrochloride; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Etoposide; Inhibits an enzyme

Etoposide; Inhibits an enzyme

Etoposide; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Filipin Complex; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Fluconaxole (IV/PO) Azole Antifungals

Flucytosine (PO) Group: Antifungal

Flumequine; Inhibits an enzyme

Flumequine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Formycin A; Inhibits an enzyme

Formycin A; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Formycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Fulfaguanidine; Inhibits an enzyme

Fumagillin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Furaxolidone; Inhibits an enzyme

Fusaric acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Monday, June 28, 2010

Bacteria Causes of Infections

Inflammation of the lung, usually caused by bacteria or viruses.
Otis media:     
Inflammation of the middle ear
Inflammation of the innermost tunic of the heart
Systemic disease caused by the spread of microorganisms and
their toxins via the circulating blood (also called "blood poisoning") 
A microorganism that causes disease.  
Virulence:The disease-evoking severity of a pathogen 

Gram Positive Cell Wall VS Gram Negative Cells


Gram Stain Features and Clinical Importance


Types of Bacteria

 A test, resulting in the classification of bacteria, developed in the last century by Hans Christian  Gram, a Danish microbiologist
  • Gram positive bacteria will retain the original blue stain.
  • Gram negative bacteria will lose the blue stain upon intermediate acetone treatment and will stain red

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