Thursday, November 11, 2010


Aclarubicin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Actinomycin D; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Actinomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Alamethicin Trichoderma viride; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Amikacin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Amikacin (IV) Group: Aminoglycosides

Amoxicillin (PO) Group: Penicillins

Amoxicillin/Clavulanate (PO) Group: Penicillins

Amoxicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Amphotericin B (IV) Group: Polyene Antifungals

Amphotericin B; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Ampicillin (IV/PO) Group: Penicillins

Ampicillin/Sulbactam (IV) Group: Penicillins

Ampicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Anisomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Antimycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Antipain; Inhibits an enzyme

Aphidicolin Nigrospora; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Apramycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ascomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Azaserine; Inhibits an enzyme

Aziocillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Azithromycin (IV/PO) Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Azithromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Azole Antifungals

Aztreonam (IV) Group: Monobactams

Bacampicillin (PO) Group: Penicillins

Bacitracin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Bafilomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Bafilomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Blasticidine Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Bleomycin sulfate; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Brefeldin A Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Butirosin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Calcimycin A23187; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Camptothecin; Inhibits an enzyme

Camptothecin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Capreomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Carbenicillin (PO) Group: Penicillins

Carbenicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Caspofungin (IV) Group: Echinocandin (Glucan Synthesis Inhibitor) Antifungal

Cefaclor (PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefaclor; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefadroxil (PO) Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cefamandole (IV) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefamandole; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefasulodin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefazolin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefdinir (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefditoren (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefeprime (IV) Group: 4th Generation Cephalosporins

Cefixime (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefmetazole; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefonicid Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefoperazone (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefoperazone; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefotaxime (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefotaxime; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cefotetan (IV) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefoxitin (IV) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefpodoxime (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefprozil (PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftazidime (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftibuten (PO) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftizoxime (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Ceftriaxone (IV) Group: 3rd Generation Cephalosporins

Cefuroxime (IV/PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Cephalexin (PO) Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephalexin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephalosporin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephalothin Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephalothin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephapirin Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephapirin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cephradine Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Cephradine; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Cerulenin; Inhibits an enzyme

Chloramphenicol (IV/PO) Group: Chloramphenicol

Chloramphenicol Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Chlorhexidine; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Chloroquine; Inhibits an enzyme

Chlortetracycline hydrochloride Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Chromomycin A3; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ciclopirox Group: Antifungal

Cinoxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Cinoxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ciprofloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Ciprofloxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Ciprofloxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Cis-Diammineplatinum; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Clarithromycin (PO) Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Clindamycin (IV/PO) Group: Lincosamides

Clindamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Clotrimazole Group: Azole Antifungals

Clotrimazole Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Clotrimazole; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Cloxacillin Group: Penicillins

Cloxacillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Colistin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Concanamycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Cordycepin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Corycepin BioChemika; Inhibits an enzyme

Coumermycin A1; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Coumerycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Cycloheximide Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Cyclosporine; Inhibits an enzyme

Cytochalacin ; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Dacarbazine ; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Daunoribicin HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

D-Cycloserine; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Defaxolin (IV) Group: 1st Generation Cephalosporins

Deftraxone; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Demeclocycline Group: Tetracyclines

Demeclocycline HCL Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Dibekacin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Dicloxacillin Group: Penicillins

Dicloxacillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Dihydrostreptomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Dirithromycin Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Distamycin A HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

DL-Penicillamine; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Doxorubicin HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Doxycycline (IV/PO) Group: Tetracyclines

Doxycycline Interferes with Protein Synthesis

D-Penicillamine; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Duramycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Echinomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Econazole Nitrate Salt; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Econazole nitrate; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Econazole; Inhibits an enzyme

Emetine Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Enrofloxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Enrofloxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ertapenem (IV/IM) Group: Carbapenems

Erythromycin (IV/PO) Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Erythromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Erythromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ethambutol dihydrochloride; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Etoposide; Inhibits an enzyme

Etoposide; Inhibits an enzyme

Etoposide; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Filipin Complex; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Fluconaxole (IV/PO) Azole Antifungals

Flucytosine (PO) Group: Antifungal

Flumequine; Inhibits an enzyme

Flumequine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Formycin A; Inhibits an enzyme

Formycin A; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Formycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Fulfaguanidine; Inhibits an enzyme

Fumagillin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Furaxolidone; Inhibits an enzyme

Fusaric acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Fusidic acid Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ganciclovir; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Gatifloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Geldanamycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Gemifloxacin (PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Gentamycin (IV) Group: Aminoglycosides

Gentamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Girseofulvin (PO) Group: Antifungal

Gliotoxin; Inhibits an enzyme

Gliotoxin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Gliotoxin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Gramicidin; Inhibits an enzyme

Gramicidin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Grepafloxacin (PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Helvolic Acid Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Herbimycin A; Inhibits an enzyme

Hydrocortisone 21-acetate (Vetranal) ; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Hygromycin B Streptomyces Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Imipenem (IV) Group: Carbapenems

Indomethacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Ionomycin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Irgasan; Inhibits an enzyme

Itraconazole (IV/PO) Azole Antifungals

Josamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Kanamycin B Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Kanamycin Group: Aminoglycosides

Kanamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ketoconaxole (PO) Azole Antifungals

Kirromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

L(+)-Lactic Acid; Inhibits an enzyme

L(+)-Lactic Acid; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Lasalocid; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Levofloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Lincomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Linezolid (IV/PO) Group: Oxazolidinones

Lomefloxacin Group: Fluoroquinolones

Lomefloxacin HCL; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Lomefloxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Lonomycin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Loracarbef (PO) Group: 2nd Generation Cephalosporins

Lysostaphin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Meclocydine Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Mepartricin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Mefoxin is one of several broad spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic substances obtained from fungi and related to penicillin (trade names Mefoxin); addition of side chains has produced semisynthetic antibiotics with greater antibacterial activity.

Meropenem (IV) Group: Carbapenems

Methicillin Group: Penicillins

Metronidazole (IV/PO) Group: Nitroimidazoles

Metronidazole; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Mevasatin; Inhibits an enzyme

Mezlocillin (IV) Group: Penicillins

Micafungin Group: Echinocandin (Glucan Synthesis Inhibitor) Antifungal

Miconazole Group: Azole Antifungals

Miconazole; Inhibits an enzyme

Midecamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Minocycline (IV/PO) Group: Tetracyclines

Minocycline HCL Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Mirthrmitomycin C; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Mithramycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Mitomycin C; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Monensin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Moxalactam; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Moxifloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Mycophenolic Acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Myxothiazol; Inhibits an enzyme

N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide HCL; Inhibits an enzyme

N-(6-Aminohyxy)-5-chloro-1-napthalenesulfonamide HCL; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Nafcillin (IV) Group: Penicillins

Nafcillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Nalidixic Acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Nalidixic Acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Nalidixic Acid; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Narasin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Neomycin Group: Aminoglycosides

Neomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Neomycin trisulfate Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Netilmicin Group: Aminoglycosides

Netilmicin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Netropsin dihydrochloride; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Netropsin; Inhibits an enzyme

Niclosamide; Inhibits an enzyme

Nigericin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Nikkomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Nikkomycin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Nisin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Nitrofurantoin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Nitrofurantoin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Nitrofurantoin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

N-Methyl-1-deoxynojirimycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Nogalamycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Nogalamycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Nonactin; Inhibits an enzyme

Nonactin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Nonactin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Norfloxacin Group: Fluoroquinolones

Nourseothricin Sulfate Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Novobiocin; Inhibits an enzyme

Novobiocin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Nystatin Group: Polyene Antifungals

Nystatin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Ofloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Ofloxacin; Inhibits an enzyme

Ofloxacin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Oleandomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Oleandomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Oligomycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Oxacillin (IV) Group: Penicillins

Oxacilllin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Oxolinic Acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Oxolinic acid; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Oxytetracycline Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Paclitaxel; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Paracelsin Trichoderma; Modifies membranes

Paromomycin Group: Aminoglycosides

Paromomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Penicilic Acid; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Penicillin G (IV) Group: Penicillins

Penicillin G; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Penicillin V (PO) Group: Penicillins

Phenazine; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Phenethicillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Phenoxymethylpenicllinic Acid; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Phenzine methosulfate; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Phleomycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Phosphomycin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Piericidin; Inhibits an enzyme

Pimaricin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Pipemidic Acid; Inhibits an enzyme

Pipemidic Acid; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Pipemidic Acid; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Piperacillin (IV) Group: Penicillins

Piperacillin/Tazobactam (IV) Group: Penicillins

Piperacillin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Polymixin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Polymyxin B; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Praziquantel; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Puromycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Puromycin aminonucleoside Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Quinupristin/Dalfopristin (IV) Group: Streptogramins

Radicicol; Inhibits an enzyme

Rapamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Rapamycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Rebeccamycin; Inhibits an enzyme

Rebeccamycin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Ribostamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Rifampicin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Rifamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ristomycin; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Rosamicin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Salinomycin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Sinefungin; Inhibits an enzyme

Sinefungin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sisomicin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Sparfloxacin (PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Specrinomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Spiramycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Staurosporine; Inhibits an enzyme

Stigmatellin; Inhibits an enzyme

Streptomycin (IM) Group: Aminoglycosides

Streptomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Streptonigrin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Streptozocin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Succinylsulfathiazole; Inhibits an enzyme

Succinylsulfathiazole; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfadiazine; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfadiazine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfadimethoxine; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfamethazine; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfamethazine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim (IVPO) Group: Sulfonamide/Folate Antagonist

Sulfamonomethoxine; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfamonomethoxine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfanilamide; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfanilamide; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfaquanidine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfaquinoxaline; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfaquinoxaline; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfasalazine; Inhibits an enzyme

Sulfasalazine; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Sulfathiazole; Interferes with enzyme or DNA Synthesis

Telithromycin Group: Macrolides/Ketolides

Temephos PESTANAL Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Terbinafine (PO) Group: Antifungal

Tetracycline (PO) Group: Tetracyclines

Tetracycline Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Thiamphenicol Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Ticarcillin (IV) Group: Penicillins

Ticarcillin/Clavulanate (IV) Group: Penicillins

Tobramycin (IV) Group: Aminoglycosides

Tobramycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Triascin C; Inhibits an enzyme

Trimethoprim; Inhibits an enzyme

Trimethoprim; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Trovafloxacin (IV/PO) Group: Fluoroquinolones

Tubercidin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Tubercidin; Interferes with DNA Synthesis

Tunicamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Tylosin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Valinomycin; Interferes with cell membrane permeability (ionophores)

Vancomycin (IV) Group: Glycopeptides

Vancomycin HCL; Interferes with cell wall synthesis

Vincomycin A; Inhibits an enzyme

Viomycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Virginiamycin Interferes with Protein Synthesis

Voriconazole (IV/PO) Azole Antifungals


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