Saturday, June 12, 2010

Antibiotic Potency Testing

Biologic is a leading innovator of laboratory instrumentation for the life and analytical sciences. Microbiology applications such as OMNICON Antibiotic Zone Reader-Zones of inhibition for automating antibiotic potency testing.

                          OMNICON Antibiotic Zone Reader:

          OMNI-Noculator Robotic Peni Cylinder Filler:

OMNICON Antibiotic Zone Reader: Using the OMNICON Zone Reader to perform antibiotic peotency testing, you can get fast rproducible and quantitative results while automating one of the most time-consuming tasks in your labs.

The OMNICON Antibiotic Zone Reader integrates image analysis, comparison and reporting to provide accurate antibiotic potencey results in record time. It can bio assays in USP - CFR - AOAC, European - British or Japanese Pharmacopoeia methods on 100 mm round petri dishes.

OMNICON-Noculator Robotic Peni Cylinder Filler: The OMNI-Noculator is a robotic liquid handling system designed to fill Peni Cylinders. The analyst defines the Pharmacopeia method, number of plates, selects one of several dispense patterns, and the volume to dispense into the Peni Cylinder.


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